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"Per Ardua ad Astra"
An Explanation of "Dit" Names
3rd Cousin, Once Removed?
A Few Famous Relatives
A French Canadian Heroine
The Families Blouin of Canada
History of Île d'Orléans
Flight Sergeant Robert Nelson Parham
(1922 – 1942)
ROBERT NELSON PARHAM was born 21 January 1922 and died 21 June 1942. He and his fellow crewman of Stirling Aircraft # 7472 were engaged in a night operation to attack a target in Emden when they were shot down and lost in the North Sea.

In addition to the aircraft’s rear gunner, Sgt R.N. Parham, two other Canadians perished (P/O J.R. Heslop & P/O B.A. Trapp) as well as five RAF members of the crew. Sgt Parham is commemorated by name at the Runnymede Memorial Cemetery in the United Kingdom alongside over 20,000 others who gave their lives during the Second World War.
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 Sgt R.N. Parham receives well wishes from HRH King George
The Father of French-Canadian Poetry