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"Per Ardua ad Astra"
An Explanation of "Dit" Names
3rd Cousin, Once Removed?
A Few Famous Relatives
A French Canadian Heroine
The Father of French-Canadian Poetry
The Families Blouin of Canada
History of Île d'Orléans
MÉRY BLOUIN (dit Laviolette)
Emery or Méry or Médéric Blouin, the only Blouin to make stock in New-France, was born about 1641, and was originally from Saint-Pierre d'Etisson, in Luçon, Poitou, France. He was the son of Andre Blouin and of Francoise Bounin and did not benefit from a formal education.

According to the inhabitants of the area, Blouin, blou, blod or blo means blue, such as "the sky without cloud or the sea without storm." The true origin of the Laviolette nickname has been lost over the years. It is probable that its meaning was lost in the sailing ship, the White Eagle of Fressinque or the Black of Amsterdam, which transported the Blouin name to the colony in 1664.

On the 2nd of June, 1667, Méry Blouin received three acres of land at Midsummer's Day on the Island of Orleans, closely located between those of Louis Greffard and Vincent Boissonneau (dit Saintonge). He worked the remainder of his life on these grounds.

Five years after his arrival, Emery entered into a marriage contract with Marie, the eldest of the family of Louis Carreau, known as Lafraîcheur, originally from the town of Bordeaux. Her parents, Louis Carreau and Jeanne LeRouge, originally from Joinville, Champagne, were married in Quebec in 1654.
Marie Carreau was born on March 20, 1655 and baptized in Quebec. The marriage between Méry Blouin (28 years) and Marie Carreau (14 years), took place on November 30, 1669, at Castle-Richer. A census taken in 1681 provides us the following information. Méry is 40 years old and Marie is 26 years old, they live at St Jean on the Island of Orleans with their five children and they have 1 rifle, 7 animals with horns and 15 acres of cultivated ground.

Between 1671 and 1699, the founding Blouin family gives fourteen children to the colony.

After 38 years of marriage, the pioneer, Méry Blouin, passes away on Thursday the 14th of July, 1707 and is buried the very same day. The grandmother, Marie Carreau, after fifteen years as a widow, passes away on February 10, 1722.
Plaque commemorating the deaprture of Médéric Blouin for New France
Location: Place de L’église, Etusson, Deux-Sèvres, Poitou-Charentes, France

Translation: An homage to our ancestor Médéric Blouin, who departed from Saint-Pierre d' Estusson in 1665 and established himself in St Jean, Isle d’Orleans, in the province of Quebec. The committee of the Blouin families of Canada.
Information courtesy of Robert Rochon

Index des Patronymes au Quebec
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